Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ... 0 date, Kushner Senior Advisor of the United States was following purport announcement per economy surface of the peace plan the Middle East ([century of trading]). Document name: In the [Peace to Prosperity The Economic Plan A New Vision for The Palestine Peaple] (peace for prosperity), consisting of the page (,). The details of the recent document, the Arab countries from tomorrow, Israel, is expected to be discussed in detail in the carried out economic meeting between international organizations such as the World Bank (at Bahrain). Grants $ 100 million 0 years, low-interest loan 000 million US dollars, to provide a private investment 0 billion. Of which half of the Palestinian territories for the rest Egypt, Lebanon, in financing investment in Jordan for, devoted to the matter of infrastructure business projects. Some of these projects are carried out in the Sinai peninsula of Egypt, get that benefit residents of the Gaza Strip. Devote 000 million US dollars in the tourism sector of Palestine.

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