Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

[Middle East peace beginners] Abe Prime Minister tasted in the year ...

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ... Japanese tanker was attacked during the Iran visit [London] Japanese tanker near the Strait of Hormuz is the aorta of crude oil transport in the middle of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is to visit Iran in the year the first time at the request of Donald Trump US President was under attack. US newspaper Wall Street Journal has reported that [the Middle East peace beginners tasted a painful lesson. Discard the ultra-hawks Trump administration and the tension of the Iran nuclear agreement with Iran has been greater than ever before. Negotiations are US-North Korea summit meeting over the nuclear abandonment of North Korea's Trump President, is joseki that approaching concessions to the other party to increase the tension, as can be seen if you look at the trade war with China and the European Union (EU) until the last minute . 0 exchange rate was $ = ten thousand Iranian Rial in years plunged up to ten thousand 0 Iran Real. While crude oil price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is sluggish and barrel.

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