Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

| Prepare for war while talking peace | Middle East?

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ... Israeli officials last week, declared that there is no intention to Kosen and Syria every opportunity. Syria officials were also subjected to the same announcement. If so, I wonder is why tensions between the two countries. The Israeli side, will we worry about the possibility of war with the north of the neighboring countries. It is Syria of arms, border defense strengthening, and the not occur is due to the possibility of miscalculation which can not be said. Israel has carried out military exercises in the Golan Heights as a for rising from the setback of the Lebanon war, according to the Israeli press, that Syria has deployed a ground-to-air missile 00 groups of new to the border zone. Israel, re-armament of Syria, are concerned, especially Russian-made new pair of aircraft, the purchase of a pair of armored vehicles missile. These missiles capable mobile machine is the fear from flowing Hezbollah southern Lebanon. Russia recently, versus aircraft missiles, announced that part of the billion in arms sales agreement with Syria.

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