Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Iranian president talks [Middle East ...

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ... Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the day, met with Hassan wax Hani president after arriving in Iran, and requested to fulfill the order of Middle East stability [constructive role]. The first time in years is Japan's prime minister to visit Iran. Mr Abe, hopes to encourage the tension of relaxation growing between Iran and the United States. Met with supreme leader Arihamenei nurses are scheduled on the day. To clear the anti-American attitude, students dozens of hardliners in Iran this day, at the Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran, protested to Abe, who arrived. Khamenei Portrait of a young man who listed the Flag of Iran (unrelated to the protest of the day) [Iran also does not want conflict with the United States] After the talks, the two leaders held a joint press conference. Mr. Abe, [in the growing of the recent tension, or the region is further destabilized, so that it does not you experience accidental collision, Middle East peace and the stability in order to solidify, Iran is constructive expressed the hope sense of Do not play a role, it is vital].

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