Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ...

US assistance plan announcement, such as Palestine, part ...

Israel Palestine: announcement of the economics of the Middle East ... White House the day, has announced the Middle East for economic planning 00-dollar. In addition to establishing the investment fund to support Palestine and the Middle East countries, to build, such as the 000 million US dollars investment project of high-speed road connecting the West Bank and Gaza Strip. [Peace that towards the prosperity] entitled support plan, part of a new Middle East peace plan of the Trump president. It is presented at the international meeting Trump's son-in-law Kushner Senior Advisor is opened in Bahrain's capital Manama on the day. The meeting, attended by Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia. According to the contents of the interview and related materials and the US officials, such as infrastructure projects are planned for. 0000000000 more than half of the $ in the future 0 years, to utilize in order to support the Palestinian economy. The rest Egypt, Lebanon, for Jordan. Investment business of the Sinai Peninsula also included, it is expected to lead to support for the Palestinian people living in the neighboring Gaza Strip.

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